
携帯ストラップ「蛙」( Cellular phone strap "Frog" )

素材:象牙 長さ:2.5cm


Material: Ivory Length: 2.5cm

I made this Frog about 7 years ago. As in the picture, I made it to be used on my cellphone. Guy like me, doing such a strange job, often required from others to show what I am doing, so, I'll show it to explain my works to them. It is so lucky thing to the NETSUKE ARTISTS, that, we can show our works so easily. Primarily, it should be made for use, and, it's such a tiny work, what we can bring it always with us inside our pocket.
This work is not as a NETSUKE, but, I love his cute and innocent face. I've treated it so harshly, about 7 years almost everyday, but, his clear eyes are still firmly inlaid, and every time, gazing at me and asking something like this "Why are you so serious? "

6 件のコメント:

Ford Hallam さんのコメント...

Hi Ataru,

I love this little fella, and I think that maybe it is a netsuke. Certainly it serves that function much better than many small carvings made today that claim to be netsuke.

You have sort of been test driving your own work to prove that they are suitable for the intended function.

regards, Ford

前田中 ( ATARU MAEDA ) さんのコメント...

Thank you for your reply. Ok, he shall be called "KONETSUKE", little sized one. But, I rarely make it, and inside myself, I don't regard this type of work as a formal one. I have a self-opinionated rule at making NETSUKE, and I can not say it is always suitable, but, I will write it inside my Blog sooner or later. I'm interested in whether my opinions suit to you or not.

Thank you :-)

Ford Hallam さんのコメント...

Hi Ataru, I look forward very much to hearing your thoughts. Perhaps you would be willing to post them on the new forum when I open it.

ki o tsuke,


前田中 ( ATARU MAEDA ) さんのコメント...

Good evening Ford,
Ok, I'm almost finishing my new piece, and I wanna put this fresh one into my blog. There, I'll write some dogmatic self-opinated rules. I'll also write some comments to your Blog when you would write your opinions as well. Sorry for keep you waiting ;-)

chotto matte ne,


前田中 ( ATARU MAEDA ) さんのコメント...

Oh, I've noticed your real intention. Conglatulations to your new forum. Maybe, It's rather better to be discussed on there, umm...

Following the iron brush

Ford Hallam さんのコメント...

I'm waiting to see you over there...demo, yukuri ne ;-)
