
無題 ( titleless )

素材:鹿角 長さ:6.7cm



Material: Stag Length: 6.7cm

I've finished this work today. I'm so exhausted to think about the title, so, it's unknown at now. I had to overcome many difficulties to finish this work, and, I should write about how it was so disgusting. So sorry but at now, I wanna rest.
By the way, in the back side of this work, there is something carved on. Could you guess what is it ? or, what you wanna put on to ?

=P.S= Thank you for your comments. The answer is "Moth". All of these are dyed by using YASYA only. This work is now in H.I.H PRINCES TAKAMADO's collection.

7 件のコメント:

Ford Hallam さんのコメント...

Hi Ataru,

I think it's "acorn te-maki!" with a snail hiding from us...?

Amazing what you've managed to do with stag antler. Beautiful textures.

Do you take images of the work as it progresses? It would be very interesting to see the development of the colour you have achieved.

congratulations and best regards, Ford

前田中 ( ATARU MAEDA ) さんのコメント...

Thank you Ford,
Your idea is as same one as I've imaged. But, there was any room on this material to put a snale. Regrettable, but, there is something another on it. You have good sense, maybe...
Sorry but, I don't have any pictures during making it. So, I took a picture of a material, that is similar to the one that I used to make it.
I dyed it by using YASHA liquid, and black part of it, I used an acid what I don't know haw to call it in English, "ROPAS". It's not so novel chemical I think.
I will post the picture of back side within several days. Thank you for your reply :-)

regards, Ataru

Doug Sanders さんのコメント...

I'm trying, but I just can't think of what might be on the back. Clues?


前田中 ( ATARU MAEDA ) さんのコメント...

Thank you Doug,
There might be an incect, that could be put on it. It's so thin...

I'll post the picture tommorow. Or, would you wanna think of it more ? :-]

Doug Sanders さんのコメント...

A moth! Of course. Is this designed as being a sashi netsuke? I'm curious about the balance of the piece when you hold it? Is this something you take into consideration with long, narrow carvings? You've gotten an effective range of colors with Yasha- I am just beginning to understand the preparation and application. I am lucky that a very accomplished dyer, Mr Yoshioka Sachio http://www.sachio-yoshioka.com/2002jp/index.html
will be giving a lecture and workshop on paper dyeing in a few weeks where I work. Paper and wood both being cellulose, I think I may learn something!

前田中 ( ATARU MAEDA ) さんのコメント...

Thank you Doug,
This work is a narrow one, but it's not a SASHI NETSUKE at all. I'm always thinking about those sizes of NETSUKE, and only inside my conclusion, they might be within the limits of 3.8cm in diameter. The reason of this opinion is...mmm... it'll be so long to write inside here, so I'll post it to my next topic. This work is an irregular one according to my opinion, but, I trust that it would be called NETSUKE. You can hold this one in New York, if you are planning to be there.
What a nice lecture you would take. Dyeing with plants or flowers should be your important experiences. Make an effort to ! :-)


Ford Hallam さんのコメント...

Hi Ataru, the moth is a beautiful touch and the delicate way you've rendered the pattern on the wings is very effective.

regards, Ford